How to copy structure and data of one table into another table?
Syntax: Select * into Newtable from Oldtable
Ex: select * into emp1 from emp
SQL Query to copy only structure of one table to other table in SqlServer
SQL Query to get structure of table in SqlServer
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How to Copy Structure of One Table into Another Table?
SQL Query to copy structure of one table to another table in SQL Server.
Syntax: Select * into Newtable from Oldtable where 1=2
Ex: Select * into emp1 from emp where 1=2
The above query copies only structure(not data) of emp to emp1.
SQL Query to get structure of table
Syntax: Select * into Newtable from Oldtable where 1=2
Ex: Select * into emp1 from emp where 1=2
The above query copies only structure(not data) of emp to emp1.
SQL Query to get structure of table
How To Get Structure of a Table in SQL Server?
SQL Query to view structure of a table in sqlserver.
SP_help tablename
SP_help emp
SP_help tablename
SP_help emp
SQL Query to find total number of rows in a table
Query to get number of rows in a table.
select count(*) from tablename
ex:select count(*) as Count from emp
SQL Server Faqs
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select count(*) from tablename
ex:select count(*) as Count from emp
SQL Server Faqs
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SQL Query to Rename Column Name in SQL Server-Query to change Column Name in SQL SERVER
Query to change Column Name in SQL SERVER
sp_rename 'Tablename.old fieldname', 'new field name'
sp_rename '','bbb'
sp_rename 'Tablename.old fieldname', 'new field name'
sp_rename '','bbb'
sql query for second highest salary in oracle
select *from emp a where 2=(select count (distinct(b.sal))from emp b where a.sal<=b.sal);
7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 19-APR-87 3000 20
SQL Query to copy only structure of one table to other table in SqlServer
SQL Query to get structure of table in SqlServer
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Software Testing-QTP Scripts,Testing Faqs
7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 19-APR-87 3000 20
SQL Query to copy only structure of one table to other table in SqlServer
SQL Query to get structure of table in SqlServer
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Software Testing-QTP Scripts,Testing Faqs
Query to add years to particular date
Query to add years to particular date
select dateadd(year,noofyears to be added,datecolumndate)yearadd from tablename
select dateadd(year,noofyears to be added,datecolumndate)yearadd from tablename
Query to add years to particular date
Query to add years to particular date
select dateadd(year,noofyears to be added,datecolumndate)yearadd from tablename
select dateadd(year,noofyears to be added,datecolumndate)yearadd from tablename
Query to add months to particular date
Query to add months to particular date
select dateadd(month,noofmonths to be added,datecolumndate)monthadd from tablename
select dateadd(month,noofmonths to be added,datecolumndate)monthadd from tablename
Query to add days to particular date
Query to add days to particular date
select dateadd(day,noofdays to be added,datecolumnname)dayadd from tablename
select dateadd(day,noofdays to be added,datecolumnname)dayadd from tablename
Query to get only year from particular date
Query to get only year from particular date
select year(datecolumnname)as year from tablename
select year(datecolumnname)as year from tablename
Query to get only month from particular date
Query to get only month from particular date
select month(datecolumnname)as month from tablename
select month(datecolumnname)as month from tablename
Query to get only day from particualar date
Query to get only day from particualar date
select day(datecolumnname)as day from tablename
select day(datecolumnname)as day from tablename
Query to get only date from datetime field
Query to get only date from datetime field
select convert(varchar,datecolumnname,110) from tablename
select convert(varchar,datecolumnname,110) from tablename
query to get column names of table
query to get column names of particular table using sqlserver 2000
select name from SYSCOLUMNS where id=(select id from SYSOBJECTS where name='tablename')
SQL Query to copy only structure of one table to other table in SqlServer
SQL Query to get structure of table in SqlServer
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select name from SYSCOLUMNS where id=(select id from SYSOBJECTS where name='tablename')
SQL Query to copy only structure of one table to other table in SqlServer
SQL Query to get structure of table in SqlServer
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Software Testing-QTP Scripts,Testing Faqs
sql query to get column count of table-query to get number of columns in table
query to get number of columns of particular table using sqlserver
select count(*)as NOC from SYSCOLUMNS where id=(select id from SYSOBJECTS where name='tablename')
select count(*)as NOC from SYSCOLUMNS where id=(select id from SYSOBJECTS where name='tablename')
query to retrieve top 5 records from table
query to get top 5 records using SqlServer
select top 5 * from tablename
This query displays top 5 records of your table.
select top 5 * from emp.
SQL Query to copy only structure of one table to other table in SqlServer
SQL Query to get structure of table in SqlServer
Movie Songs Lyrics
Software Testing-QTP Scripts,Testing Faqs
select top 5 * from tablename
This query displays top 5 records of your table.
select top 5 * from emp.
SQL Query to copy only structure of one table to other table in SqlServer
SQL Query to get structure of table in SqlServer
Movie Songs Lyrics
Software Testing-QTP Scripts,Testing Faqs
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